Thursday, May 21, 2009

final question # 5

1.Describe or define VO.

- Virtual Office is a kind of work that you can make with in or without your office. Mobile or remote work-environment equipped with telecommunication links and basic office furniture, but without a fixed office space.

2.Distinguish VO from MIS.

- VO is a kind of job for self or you can do it when your in a vacation or out door even if your at home and you cant do your job at your office you can do send your meetings or business proposal via email. MIS focus its plan about making activities to promote your company or making plans and strategies.

3. Illustrate (give examples) how can improve company's competitive advantage and organizational performance.

- By using this kind of strategy which is VO you can make a meeting through computer programs such as SKYPE or YM we can communicate by using this even if your in vacation. Example if i were the manager of a big company and im in a business trip and i have to make a meeting with my staff at our company i will meet them through computer and make plans with them. By this i can do my responsilbilities with my work and i can even monitor my subordinates.

reference: self understanding and notes,,

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