Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Prelims Question 4

Ethics is relevant regardless of the type of organization and style of management. It is by this ethics that legal and moral laws are established. IT is not at all excluded from this.

1. List down the ethics for computer usage.

1. For official use only.
2. you will not use it for personal use.
3. Use it for office works.

2. What common forms of ethic violations happen in the internet and in the organization?

The common forms of ethic violation is for example your using it just for fun like playing games in P.C. or watching videos, movies, scandals, etc.

3. How does ethics affect the decision making of mangers?

It affects the decision making of the manager because ethics is is a study between right and wrong that means not all decision obeys the law, if the manager is right about their decision that means they are gaining profit but not all right is right sometimes wrong decision is right.

4. Cite a company which experienced legal or social conflicts because of its violation of ethics. You may check as example the problem of per-need insurance companies in the Philippines.

for example is the pyratech of gensan college.

a. Describe briefly the nature of the problem.

= the problem is they keep on accepting student to gain profit but the school and its courses is not licensed.

b. How was this resolved?

= Because if this the school was closed and they did not resolved it.

c. and d. c.Who were affected? d.
What were the damages?

= The student were affected by the schools because the course that they finished is not licensed.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Question #3

A company has basically four (4) levels of organizational hierarchy and each level makes use of unique IT technology and software to address and/or support their works.

Answer then the following:

1. Identify and describe information systems (IS) used in each level.


-In a general sense, the term Information System (IS) refers to a system of people, data records and activities that process the data and information in an organization, and it includes the organization's manual and automated processes.

-ESS used by the top management level for profit planning. MIS us the middle management to gather data from external and internal sources, TPS use the supervisory management level to make a summary report, and the ;ast is the KBS us the non-manegerial level who is the skilled employee of the deff. departments.

2. How do these IS help the employees and managers achieve their objectives.


-by using the types of IS or information system they achive their objectives by using this types like ESS for profit planning, the MIS for external and internal sources, the TPS for the summarry reports and the KBS for the non manegerial level. By using this types of IS they will have different departments and they'll dicide, plan, and organize their subbordinates ETC. for a succesfull company
toward planning, promoting, and selling goods and services to satisfy the needs of customers and the objectives of the organization.

3. Cite a local or national company that makes use of these IS and identify the benefits and drawbacks/lapses of these IS.


-The Sydney Hotel of gensan uses this kind of IS the benefits of this to them is they get plenty of customers because of their organize planning, promotions and they have the organize departments for their different skills that they have.

Kenjie John Dabon BSBA-3

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

ShoutMix chat widget

An organization may adopt a closed-system or open-system model. Answer the following:

1. Discuss the pro's and con's of each model.

Pros are arguments which aim to promote the issue, while cons suggest points against it. For example if i give a proposal to build a branch of our company in the sight that many customers will come because of we as a part of the company will promote the importance of the building in that area. The con's is the one suggesting the points that against the proposal. the pro's of old model like sending male through post office and seeking for job hiring a long term of procedure whole on con's you can easily send mail on the internet and look for job on a minute by surfing into the internet.

2. Cite a company that uses any of this model. Describe briefly how this chosen model affect the entire company.

Internet and High tech PC this model affect the entire company because you can save all files in your record room in a computer and you can also save it in your emergency hard disk if the computer breaks down.

3. Evaluate how an environment affects the organization and its management. Discuss the pro's and con's of not responding to the demands of the environment.

the environment affects the organization and its management by having a good area and plenty of customers. Example for this is when you plan to establish a business in an environment that has no competitors you may not have competitors but be sure that this area has many customers that will be your daily subscriber. The pro's demand of this is you have no competitors and no one can easily gets your customer but the cons demand of this in the environment is you may have no competitors but you may have no customers to because of the area and environment you've choose.

Cite your reference.
self understanding and self explanation

Kenjie John Dabon BSBA-3 :-)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

management 7

May 15,2009

Question 1: How do you perceive as a resource of a company?


- If the resources of the company perceive and your one of that resources you should be aware of whats happening around you and you should understand if what happens when you can't solve your problems in your company awareness and understanding.

Question 2: Site a company, it's nature. Describe how the information from its environment improve management in business as a whole?


- The information that can help the company or the management to be more improve is to know its environment to apply more strategies in their new proposal in there projects for example they have a competitor that gets there customers they should research for the reasons why there customers transfer to the other products or malls so that if you all ready know the reason you may find some alternative to compete fair. it improves the management because they are aware about the problems and issues around them.